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 Happy 33rd birthday (13th June, 1981) Chris Evans, you meatball!  ❝I know you

 Happy 33rd birthday (13th June, 1981) Chris Evans, you meatball!  ❝I know you

 Happy 33rd birthday (13th June, 1981) Chris Evans, you meatball!  ❝I know you

 Happy 33rd birthday (13th June, 1981) Chris Evans, you meatball!  ❝I know you

 Happy 33rd birthday (13th June, 1981) Chris Evans, you meatball!  ❝I know you

 Happy 33rd birthday (13th June, 1981) Chris Evans, you meatball!  ❝I know you

[Balls ] [BallsDeepThroat ]

Happy 33rd birthday (13th June, 1981) Chris Evans, you meatball! ❝I know you were a bit hesitant to sign on with this Marvel deal at first, now you’re three films in. How do you feel about it now?❞ Best decision of my life. I really, really would

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