Yea X

xxx pics

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

 DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of

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DRUGS by Bryan Lewis Saunders. Each self portrait is drawn under the influence of different drugs taken daily. Within weeks of this experiment he became lethargic and suffered mild brain damage. He continues to work on this series but with much more

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