Yea X

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 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

 i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child

[lindseypelas ] [lineups ]

i really love this because it shows how one single thing a parent says to a child can be hung onto all of their life and affect them. a single thing said, whether once or multiple times, can effect how the child views oneself all their life. 

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