Yea X

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Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather,

[SpreadEm ] [SpringBreakSluts ]

Well! That was not the direction I thought the episode was going to take (or, rather, that is how I thought it was going to go, just not the ending). It’s nice though, and fits the optimistic tone of the show.I liked how Steven had the windows rolled

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