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 ₪ Adele’s 21: The Inspiration » One and Only One and Only is quiet - it is

 ₪ Adele’s 21: The Inspiration » One and Only One and Only is quiet - it is

 ₪ Adele’s 21: The Inspiration » One and Only One and Only is quiet - it is

 ₪ Adele’s 21: The Inspiration » One and Only One and Only is quiet - it is

 ₪ Adele’s 21: The Inspiration » One and Only One and Only is quiet - it is

 ₪ Adele’s 21: The Inspiration » One and Only One and Only is quiet - it is

[GoneWildPierced ] [GoneWildPlus ]

₪ Adele’s 21: The Inspiration » One and Only One and Only is quiet - it is the first happy song that I have ever written. It’s not about anything really, it’s a personal song but it’s not about an actual event that happened, it’s umm …

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