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 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

 Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies

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Spoon Sports’ Speed Shop Type-One, founded by Tatsuru Ichishima in 2001. Exemplifies an immaculately kept tuner shop/garage. My first exposure to JDM tuning and its culture was when I first played Gran Turismo 2 for the original Playstation. One of

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