Yea X

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 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

 Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person

[BlackGirlsLoveFacials ] [BlackIsBetter ]

Hearing my own voice on a recording makes me want to apologize to every single person I’ve ever talked to, like I’m really sorry.

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