Yea X

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 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

 Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s

[Bleach_Hentai ] [Bleached_Assholes ]

Fandom: Attack on TitanTitle: Eye for an EyeAuthor: ImmiRating: PG-13Summary: Eren’s going to Marley regardless, so they might as well do what they can to stack the deck. A prequel of sorts to the Marley arc, with fun guesses about how some plot stuff

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