Classicnudes: Lynnda Kimball, Pmom - January 1975, Mesina Miller, Pmom - September 1975, Lillian Müller, Pmom - August 1975, Azizi Johari, Pmom - June 1975, Ingeborg Sorensen, Pmom - March 1975, Victoria Cunningham, Pmom - April 1975, Lynn Schiller,

Opiateofmylife: Thc-Rious: Zzvspecial: Welcome To The Headylands. 5/6/15 Philadelphia, Pa Peter Muller, Slop Glass, Elks That Run X 2-Stroke X Akm, Luda X Evol, Jd Maplesden X Harold Cooney, Sleek, Calm X Coyle, Staklo Glass, Team Japan, Mothership.